Monday, November 30, 2009


Alright. I might be losing my mind--I'll give you that one. But let me just run this one by you. Potential suitor from the emails me claiming his interest. I email back my return of interest. We go back and forth a bit. I give him my number after he asked for it, and then don't hear from him for over a week. I shoot him a friendly, casual hello email. He returns it with a zesty interest in getting together. We then engage in a txt messaging debacle that quickly goes from flirtatious to non-functioning to ridiculous. I won't break down every txt here for you, I'll sum it up as this: I assumed he was after a one night fling, and, apparently, he wasn't. How do I know he wasn't? Well, because after our txt messages got to the point of ridiculous he actually called me. And he was pissed--well, he said how could he possibly be affected by the snap judgements of a complete stranger--but, I can tell you, he was...perturbed. As he was making his point about how I decided from a few txt messages and a couple emails that all he was after was some casual happy time, I started thinking---oh shit, maybe he's right! Maybe I'm taking all my passed experience with douche baggery and labeling this guy before I've never even had one ACTUAL conversation. Is that not exactly the kind of judgement I wouldn't want made against me? But then again...when the only interactions we had were all coquettish innuendoes on his part, plus the fact that he invited me over to his house instead of out to a drink, that doesn't really leave me much to work with. But I can't deny that I just assumed a whole bunch of meaning out of a handful of back-and-forthing via txt messaging.

So now where does this leave the happy couple, you might ask? Well what do you do when you start off on the wrong foot? Should you just shoot yourself in the other and call it a day? I told him if he should want to get to actually know each other he should call me back later. And I meant it. Here's to a good old fashioned do-over.

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